The Timetable

2015-2016 Competition and Conference

October 15th 2015. Students interested in participating in the CAP Case Study competition by partnering with a practitioner organization or agency should submit an Interest Form to CAP Case Study Coordinators at

November 30, 2015. Students participating through academic sponsorship or who wish to make independent submissions should submit an Interest Form to CAP Case Study Coordinators at

December 15, 2015. All case studies should be submitted to the Case Study Award Coordinators no later than December 15, 2014. The CAP Case Study Committee will review submissions and select those to be presented at the ASPA Conference. If selected, they will also be registered by CAP with a Creative Commons License and be published on the CAP Website.

March 18-22, 2016. Award recipients will be invited to present their case study papers at the ASPA Conference, in Seattle, WA.