Accountability and Performance Update – June 17-23, 2024

Dustin Brown’s Impact at OMB Over the Past Two Decades: Episode 63

GovNavigators Show (Podcast – 30 min.)

Former OMB Executive Dustin Brown joins the GovNavigators Show to talk about his over two decades at OMB, serving for four different presidents (and developing the Fedeal Performance Framework), and why he left to help improve one of the most important federal agencies in the government – the Social Security Administration.

O’Malley’s Sprint to Use SecurityStat Save Social Security

Government Executive

SecurityStat takes issues at the heart of the agency’s customer service crisis; including call center performance, benefits processing, disability processing and appeals, and over- and underpayments; and requires agency officials to brief O’Malley—and one another—on their progress every two weeks.

Conquering Improper Payments

Government Executive

The solution, according to Doug Criscetello, lies in more precisely defining the various types of such payments and prioritizing those demanding immediate attention. Policy makers should rethink the entire improper payments challenge by dividing the topic into manageable components of 1) fraud; and 2) everything else.

A Toolset for Identifying and Managing Emerging Risk

Partnership for Public Service

Enterprise Risk Management and strategic foresight proactively identify emerging risks and elevate them to the necessary stakeholders for risk-informed strategic decision making. A panel of experts identified three key takeaways.

Nine Cities Recognized for Exceptional Use of Data

Results for America/Bloomberg Philanthropies– What Works Cities

Nine cities – 4 in the US and 5 in Latin America – were recognized by the Bloomberg Philanthropies What Works Cities Certification community for using data to make a difference in their communities. For example, the City of Dallas’ use of data includes disaggregated data to inform budget decisions that address inequities based on race and income, resulting in all 42 city departments contributing to the allocation of $40 million of equity investments and establishing 220 metrics that are tracked publicly.  

Resource of the Week: Public Management and Governance Review

Vienna University

This is a new peer-reviewed, open-source academic journal – Vol. 1, No. 1! It distinguishes itself by focusing on concrete management and policy challenges with an emphasis on solutions that lead to more accurate decision-making.

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