
CAP Announcement

New recognition program for Emerging Leaders in the field of government performance management

The Center for Accountability and Performance (CAP), established by the American Society for Public Administration (ASPA), has created a new award program to recognize early- to mid-career government professionals in the field of performance management at the federal, state, and local levels.  The CAP Emerging Leaders Award of Excellence program is looking for nominations for individuals who are actively implementing performance management systems, innovating new practices, and promoting the importance of performance and accountability within their governments and communities.

Emerging Leaders can be self nominated or be nominated by others and will be chosen by a subcommittee of current CAP Board members. Nominees should have approximately 5-10 years of experience within a government organization and shown leadership, innovation, and/or accomplishment.

Click here for the program details and nomination form. Applications are due by December 1st.

The Center for Accountability and Performance (CAP) was established in 1996 by the American Society for Public Administration (ASPA) to address the requirement for all levels of government to move to performance-based, results-driven management. CAP aims to improve the practice of public service by helping public administration and nonprofit professionals acquire the knowledge, technical skills and resources necessary to successfully manage for results. CAP provides education, training, advocacy, technical assistance, resource sharing, and research on promising practices in performance management. Its publications and training materials are available to ASPA members and non-members.

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