Accountability and Performance Update – April 4-11, 2021

Trump Administration Performance Management Archives

U.S. Office of Management and Budget

Federal Cross-Agency Priority Goals, Agency Strategic Plans did not completely disappear with the end of the Trump Administration

Update to Implementation of Performance Management Statutes

U.S. Office of Management and Budget

Restores Part 6 to OMB Circular A-11, “Federal Performance Framework for Improving Program and Service Delivery.”

Grants Management: OMB Should Collect and Share Lessons Learned from Use of COVID-19-Related Grant Flexibilities

U.S. Government Accountability Office

OMB issued 15 temporary exceptions to its grant requirements; should they become permanent?

Federal Low-Income Programs: Data to Verify Eligibility Varies Among Selected Programs and Opportunities Exist to Promote Additional Use

U.S. Government Accountability Office

GAO reviewed 6 federal programs that reported using over 30 data sources to verify recipient eligibility. It recommends federal agencies share with state and local agencies to improve their verification processes.

Inclusive, Equity-Centered Government

Deloitte Research

Embedding greater inclusion, diversity, and equity into the public sector to address underlying imbalances

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